The animals were rifling through my desk drawer earlier today and then I found them sitting by their hand made signs...
(click to enlarge and read)
Now they are both high off the Sharpies.
Get well soon Milo Bear!
(p.s. we updated Wrigs and Chum's tags when we moved and added REWARD to Chum's tag. Thought you would be happy to know that.)
dEar WrigRee n cHumrEe,
i haV da BesTEst BudDies ever. u gUys roCk n ur maMa is supa duPa speCial. my Leg weely hURts a rot. iTs all BahnDaged up tytely. i feer bad bekuz i DiD not leT my MamA sleeP untiL 4! sHe said doeS nOt caRe, but I feeR badry. my MamA will paY ur RewARd chuMree. i ruv u guYs. aChileez sez herro. woof! woof!
You mean you'll pay someone to KEEP him, right?
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