Chumley likes to sniff and lick peaches...
I also noticed a slew of peach pits in the backyard so it appears that someone else in this family has enjoyed his fair share of peach nibbling. (sounds perverted) I need to be careful though because I don't want a peach or a pit to get lodged in Wrig's throat.
I may have mentioned that Tom planted CORN in our backyard which is also starting to sprout. I can guarantee that we are the only house in the neighborhood and perhaps all of Orange County that has fricking corn cobs growing in their yard. I just hope all of these food stuffs don't attract more coyotes or mountain lions. There's quite a feast to be had back there.
cool. Love the peaches and the corn.
You will just have to throw on your little lady apron and start canning all of your bounty.
Sheesh! Why don't you put a billboard that says, "We're supposed to be living in the midwest!" Hey, here's an idea, come home ;-)
I know seriously! Do you think there's something subconscious about Tom's corn planting!?! So funny.
For whatever reason, California has seemed more like home to me than any other place we've lived. Probably because we somewhat grew into our adult life here.
It's hard to envision leaving this place but then again nothing in life is ever set in stone...
Hubster planted corn last year in our backyard as well (along with about a dozen other things).... I felt like the biggest yahoo on the planet. And let me tell you - it grows really REALLY tall. (But, it's really very sweet-tasting when it's home grown...)
As far as the peaches, I have a great recipe for peach-blueberry cobbler if you're interested. One of the (very) few things I know how to make! :-)
Chumley likes to rub his face up against soft fuzzy things. Or so Beverly tells me.
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