Thursday, May 29, 2008

I'm losing my mind

Does anyone else do these things?

-When shopping at Trader Joe's you buy a bag or box of whatever it is you just sampled only to discover at home there exists an unopened bag or box of the exact same thing in your freezer. I did this not once, but twice!!! (Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps and Biryani Rice).

-When you're waiting for your car at the car wash and the guy waves a towel to flag you over when the car's ready you spend 5 minutes searching your purse, pockets, and bodily orifices for your damn car keys. But today, the lady who was sitting on the bench next to me actually got up to help me look!!!! When we realized what we were doing, we both shared quite a laugh and vowed never to speak of it to anyone. So of course I'm blogging about it right now.

-While walking through your neighborhood you discover that you're wearing a pair of sunglasses on your face, as well as a pair atop your head because you forgot you put them on top of your head when you stopped to clean the litter box on your way out. So you search for another pair and head out the door! I looked like a Martian Woman. Or maybe people thought I had 4 eyes.

This picture below gives me a headache...


Maggie said...

Not only headache inducing, but spooky.

Christina said...

I'm totally using that as my new avatar! I love it.

HWHL said...

Whoa - that picture was something. Felt like I had my contacts in the wrong eyes. Eek.

And yes, I have done the sunglass thing and the duplicate purchase thing, both on several occasions. I've even purchased the same CD and the same book before, not realizing I had them both at home already. Sometimes I think my brain just short-circuits and zaps out.

Anonymous said...

That woman is icky. Imagine if she were real, then she would need your double sunglasses!