While walking Wrigs we came across a woman a little older than me walking her Golden. We stopped so our dogs could sniff and romp and she asks, "What's your dog's name?" I say, "Wrigley. He's named after Wrigley Field. He's a Cub fan." Wrigs then hunkers down to do his usual "nice to meet you dump" and as I'm searching for another poo bag I ask what her dog's name is. She says, "This is Flame." I reply, "Oh that's hot!" and pat Flame on the head. She then says very serious, "Flame is on fire for the Lord. He's a fan of Jesus Christ."
Oh fuck here we go.
I bend down to pick up Wrig's poo just as her disciple of the Lord is about to swallow it whole and the woman then asks point blank, "And what is your faith?"
Seriously lady? We just met 2.3 seconds ago and you really want to go there? I tell her I'm spiritual and I hope she has a nice day and walk away with my pagan beast. I really wanted to say, "You're bible banging up the wrong tree lady!"
I don't know why I am so put off by people who broadcast their beliefs at any given opportunity. And maybe that was not her intention with me but I just thought it was a bit too pushy. I have a slew of friends who span the spectrum of religion (Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Jehovah Witness - just one- to name a few) and the reason we remain friends is that we mutually understand and respect each other's faith and we don't force our beliefs on each other or pass judgments because they happen to be different. But for some reason a good majority of the people I've encountered who are of Christian faith do not seem to adopt the same mentality. It's like everyone else is wrong or is a "Sinner" and needs divine intervention or they will burn in the fires of hell.
Totally random story that just popped into my head from a couple years ago...it relates to this topic. Tom and I had a business dinner with one of his vendors who brought along his wife. After we exchanged pleasantries she asked what I did for a living and at the time I was working on the TV show Will and Grace. She reacted as if I told her I was a meth addicted stripper by day and crack whore by night. She instantly starting saying how vile she found the show (Thanks!) and that she can't believe gays are being portrayed on regular prime time television for young impressionable minds to watch (NOT HBO OR LATE NIGHT TV!) I was extremely offended by what she was saying and she took absolutely no liberties at my job calling the people who work on "disgusting shows like that" sinners. It was an incredibly uncomfortable situation and I tried my best to be polite (for Tom's sake) but after she went on her tirade I told her I do not agree with her one bit and thinking that way is pathetically close minded and bigoted. Needless to say I ordered a few more cocktails and delighted in sharing stories that revolved around some of my best gay friends while she sat there stewing in her holy anger sipping her Diet Coke. I'm surprised drinking caffeine isn't a one way ticket to hell in her book.
Thankfully we never had the displeasure of seeing them again. The husband seemed ok but I have to question his mental health to marry someone whose mind is the size of an unripened pea.