Monday, April 07, 2008

Orbit Power Wheelchair

What kind of blue hair list am I on now???


Stephanie said...

If I were you, I'd definitely go for the Rascal power wheel chair. Just sayin'.

Me said...

I was thinking more along the lines of the Lark 4 Plus Mobility Scooter myself...


Mary Beth said...

I keep getting stuff from AARP - I feel old sometimes but I've got a good 25-30 years before I start worrying about that! Oh, and my penis never works properly because I get a ton for Viagra. Which reminds me of the Viagra commercial where they band is sitting around singing Viva Viagra???? Can you please ask your resident rock star if he and his band (sorry, laughing at the thought of Chumley and Wrigley as his bandmates) do this? Cause there's something really wrong with it!

Me said...

Mary beth I LOVE that idea! Via Viagra is next on the agenda! I told Tom and I think he's up for it! (no pun intended).

I'll have to work on convincing the bandmates. They are not as flexible when it comes to introducing new music. Especially the Chumster.

Anonymous said...

evasion unblemished of this