Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wrigley... scared of a moth.

I saw him bobbing and weaving outside and watched for a while and thought, "WTF is he doing??" Then I saw the moth floating inches above his head. Wrigs saw me at the door and came BOLTING up the steps and ran inside the house like a maniac. What a P.


Suzanne said...

My boxer runs in the house with her tail between her legs if she hears kids out playing next door....wuss.

HWHL said...

Jasmine (our sock-loving cat) was terrified of a red oven mmitt we used to have. Absolutely terrified.

ChiTown Girl said...

hey! don't pick on my boy! just yesterday, i opened the front door to get the mail, and a moth flew up in my face. he must have gotten stuck between the doors the night before, and he was in a mad frenzy to get back on the other side of the screen door! but, it scared me, just like it did wrigs. and we are NOT Ps!!

Anonymous said...

I am trying out this new anonymous IP software and how ironic is it that the IP address I have right now comes back to Seattle?