1. Why does it rain so much here?
2. Sunshine is for pansies
3. April showers bring May flowers
4. Rain drops keep falling on my head
5. Rain Rain Go Away (come again NEVER)
6. Balls! It is rainy here.
7. Any chance this rain has an alcohol content?
8. Does anyone know where the sunshine went?
9. I am wet (and not down there)
10. My convertible hates it here
11. I scuba to the grocery store
12. I honk for sunshine
13. Prozac for everyone!!!
-I'll keep adding to the list I'm sure.
I love this idea. You could market them and make millions $$$$.
Then you could both live where ever you want!!!!!
I LOVE this girl Brooke!
She is obviously a Creative Genius. :-)
You've already started making these, haven't you?
I love it! Maybe some matching rain boots?
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