Sunday, June 15, 2008

I just clogged the toilet

I don't know what to do. Tom's golfing, the water's rising and I'm pacing back and forth saying "Please don't overflow. Please don't overflow." I can't call a neighbor cuz it's too embarrassing and I don't want to use a plunger when there's "stuff" inside the bowl. A plumber would cost so much money since it's early Sunday morning. ACK!

I'm going to leave and take Wrigs for a walk and hope the bathroom is not flooded when we return.

*update* The water was still high when I came back from the walk but I flushed again and grabbed a bunch of old towels just in case and it slowly went down. But the flush didn't sound right so I'm staying away from that bathroom for a while. At least until Tom uses it, then I can say he did it.


Lizy said...

We found the meaning of your dream! :)

Anonymous said...

OMG. Hon, you have to use the plunger. Put it in a plastic grocery bag, take it outside and rinse with a garden hose when you're done.

Hmm, I sound like I've faced this same dilemma before.

Stephanie said...

Just turn off the water next time? I've had to do that a few times too. :-) Toilet clogging's real embarrassing. I hate using a plunger too. Ew.

amanda said...

Oh that so happened to me onetime with "stuff" and a tampon. No way in hell was I calling a neighbor, friend, or landlord. I took myself to Lowes and bought a snake-cleared the toilet, threw up, and then congratulated myself on being an independant woman...

The worst was when I did it at the division of motor vehichles. I was such a chicken that I locked the bathroom door so that no one else could find it...

Gberger said...

That is what the plunger is FOR. It doesn't mind being in that stuff; that is its natural milieu. Plunge away! and I hope you have a great day after this.

HWHL said...

How did this all turn out? I didn't see an update, so I'm hoping it turned out well and you're not wading through raw sewage or anything like that.

I agree with Karen - just plug your nose, close your eyes (if need be) and PLUNGE AWAY. (Karen, I must say I love your use of the word "milieu"... so rare to be able to use that word - bravo for you!) :-)

My son clogs the toilet in his bathroom regularly (I'm sure he would be thrilled that I'm sharing this), so I have become very adept at getting it UN-clogged. Yes, it's gross, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Christina said...

Given all your experience in exporting, I am surprised you don't know how to clear the poop tunnel on your own.

Google toilet auger and get back to me.

ChiTown Girl said...

I'll bet the obscene amount of toilet paper that you use, and that Tom bitches about, is what caused the clog, huh? How did it all work out?

Stephanie said...

I use a lot of toilet paper when i'm at my boyfriends place.
I fear that one day the toilet will get clogged and i won't know what to do!