Wednesday, June 04, 2008

coast to coast chaos

So the best part about the great water debacle of this morning is that I thought we didn't have water inside the house until Tom and I talked and when I told him the location of the pipe that burst he said that only affects the outdoor sprinkler systems. I didn't really need to shower today anyway.

Tom has been running himself ragged in New York literally running from meeting to meeting and in the midst of all the chaos here it was good to hear his voice. He was on his way back to the hotel and he said, "All I have time to do is change and take a dump."

I love that man.


Gberger said...

Don't you love it when he talks dirty to you? (I didn't think that was what that expression meant, but perhaps I am a little naive.)

Anonymous said...

You didn't want to put too much stress on the pipes just in case right? I hear ya!

HWHL said...

Ha ha ha!! This sounds exactly like something Hubster would say!

You know.... after you've been married for so many years, pretty much any 'elegant pseudonym' for a bodily function goes out the window, and they call it what it is.

(On a semi-related note, my husband and 12 year old son actually have Farting Contests now... I capitalize that because it is SERIOUS business for them....)

My daughter and I just sigh.