Monday, July 14, 2008

To top off the day...

My car will not to go in reverse (in shop now) and I didn't shut the freezer door completely this morning so now we have an ice waterfall and lots of spoiled food. 

And did I mention this morning I woke up to a piece of dried poo on my pillow??? 

Thank you Chumley.

Hello black cloud.  


amanda said...

The week has to get better....

HWHL said...

I had a really bad day too. (Mainly hormonally caused, but still...) I hate those days when you just feel like you could burst into tears for absolutely NO reason. I try to keep it from my kids, because it's not fair to them for them to have a psycho mom for a few days a month. :-(
Ultimately I wound up just staying in bed most of the day. But then I remember I volunteered to help out with a function at church this afternoon - after being there for about 2 hours I felt SOOOO much better.

I hope your black cloud goes away.
And I'm sorry about your car. Hopefully it will be one of those easy and inexpensive repairs (fingers crossed).

Anonymous said...

OMG Chumley! Mine just wake me up to let me know their food bowl is empty.