Sunday, July 20, 2008

Exciting day for the animals

If there's one thing that fascinates these animals to where they become oblivious to each other, it's my baskets of gift wrap, boxes and bows.

When they hear me rustling around in the closet, they come running.

They each take turns sniffing the baskets of goodies..

They both end up at the same basket. This could lead to trouble...

Wrigley pushes things around with his nose and sniffs, while Chumley heads right for the curly ribbon...

There goes Chumley, chomping away (I don't let him eat any, he just takes a few chomps while I get what I need) and Wrigley continues to root around the basket like an aardvark...

While Chumley's engrossed in the curly ribbon, Wrigley seizes the opportunity to do some bottom sniffing. Chum didn't like it one bit, he was growling but wouldn't let that ribbon out of his sight (or his mouth).

I love my little obsessive compulsive beasts.


Suzanne said...

This is so cute. I too have to hide the ribbon from my cats. I find it really funny that Wrigs is interested in all this stuff too. Such a puppy.

LBluca77 said...

I love when animals are nosey like that. Too cute.

amanda said...

Piglet comes out the minute I get the wrapping paper and ribbon out. She will come out of the wood work for it...

TTQ said...

And I thought I was the only one besides Martha Stewart who has gift wrapping supplies on hand...

My animals love to walk on freshly unrolled paper..