Monday, July 14, 2008


I'm trying to find Chumley a collar to match Wrigley's. My mom got Wrigs this cute Rastafarian-like collar and I think it would be sooo cute if both Chum and Wrigs had matching collars. So I'm searching online but can't find anything in a Chumley size which is size puny. I like the word puny. So much better than just saying small.

I like wine too.


Suzanne said...

Ok. I know you can't have THAT much time on your hands. When will they be seen together? In the house?
Well, then they must match the living room rug. Or is it the dining room rug?
Oh, crud. I think it must be the kitchen cabinets...they must match there. :)

ChiTown Girl said...

When your mom picked up the collar for Wrigs, exactly what the hell did she pick up for YOU from the Rasta that makes you want to do this?! ;-)