Thursday, August 09, 2007

So how was your day?

Oh you know, nothing too exciting. Had coffee with a friend, grocery shopped, did a few loads of laundry then a little yardwork...oh and shimmied a fat rat out a hole from the inside of a barbeque. And you???

This clip was shot very early on in the "Operation Rat Rescue" mission which took place at our next door neighbor's house. After several attempts with a shovel (used to push him up through the bottom) water (which was squirted all over him in an effort to make him skinnier) and then sticks (hoping that he would grab on so we could pull him out - yeah, that really did not go as planned.) We finally resorted to dripping Crisco oil on him and then BAM! He flew outta there like a bat outta hell. Or a rat out of a grill. Ha ha, that's really dumb, I know. But the good news is, he's alive and hopefully well. But I'm sure he has quite a tummy ache. He was REALLY wedged in there. Poor guy.

one last bit of film...


Anonymous said...

You can't be serious!! Wow, there REALLY is a special place in heaven for you, my friend! That thing would have been exterminated long before a video camera could be found to film the occasion. You really are a saint :)

Me said...

Actually as a present to you, I captured the rat and shipped him overnight to your house! Enjoy!!!