Like for example a couple months ago I tucked my left arm into it's sleeve and only allowed myself to use my right arm for an entire morning. It was sooooo difficult. Making the bed, brushing my teeth, tying shoes, (that morning I skipped the shower because that would have been pretty much impossible) making coffee, even typing on the keyboard. It was all doable but everything took twice the effort and almost two to three times as long to accomplish.
I also like to do things with my left hand (I'm right handed) just to test my skills of ambidexterity? Is that even a word? Sometimes I'll address an envelope, dial the phone, vacuum, etc. I feel as though it keeps my body and brain hemispheres in balance. I love to play the piano and for that I use both hands equally as much so I should be able to carry this over into my everyday tasks right?
Well, not when it comes to hammering a nail in the wall...
Ha ha ha! Laura, it gives me the chilly willys when I read your posts sometimes. You do some of the funniest, craziest, random things. What's more crazy and random is that I do the SAME THINGS! Although in this case it is for different reasons than yours.
I read a study about how you can stave off Alzheimer's by forcing the neurotransmitters of the least-used side of your brain to "fire" impulses.
So, I'm a righty. That means that the side of my brain which controls my left hand is rarely used and could suffer from some kind of atrophy as I age. You already know what that means! Yup, at any given time I might be trying to do something with my left hand that I normally do with my right just to "exercise" that side of the brain. Ha!!!
You know what is the hardest thing for me to do? Start off with my left foot, whether it is to start climbing stairs or to simply step forward. Weird, huh?
Ok since you mentioned the "starting off with the left foot" thing I've been doing it and I seriously feel like such a gimp. I can't do it either! I have to hold my arms out in front of my body when I do because I feel like I'm going to topple over! I seriously hope I don't fall down the stairs and snap my neck over these "experiments". We need help.
I have so many other crazy things you should try. Ok, when you're sitting on the couch, try making a circle clockwise with your right foot, and then try to make counter-clockwise cirlces with your right hand. You'll NEVER get it! It drives me bananas!
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