Sunday, October 14, 2007

Garage Day 2007

Has anyone seen that commercial where the woman opens her garage door and her car is buried beneath piles and piles of crap and she can't see it but when she clicks the remote to unlock the car you hear the beep and see the head lights flash? Well that was pretty close to the condition of our garage so today we decided to tackle it.

And I didn't take any before pics but I grabbed the camera in the midst of cleaning so here are some photos of the purging process and our what nots...

And here are some pics of Tom rifling through the what nots and making the always difficult executive decision on where to put them...

Tom recently hung a plastic golf ball in the garage in an effort to help me park far enough away from the garage door to avoid closing the door on the back of my car and thus scraping off the paint on my rear bumper (still need to get this fixed by a professional- my Sharpie technique is not looking so good). But with the cars out of the garage, the hanging ball reminded me of a game I played as a child called Zim Zam! Ever heard of it? The one we had actually screwed into the grass so you could really whack the bejesus outta the ball and the pole would remain intact. It wasn't as much fun playing with the golf ball hanging from the ceiling...

Tom says, "Enough clowning around. There is work to be done." So I head back to my post and start to organize our sporting goods. I find an old aluminum bat as Tom is carrying a wooden moving dolly. I suddenly have an idea and ask to see the dolly. He hands it over and says, "What are you planning on doing with that?" I tell him to wait and see...

And yet another child memory came to mind! Remember those wooden wheel contraptions you had in grade school? I can't remember what the heck they were called but we used to play with them during recess. We'd pretend they were boats and use big sticks to push our way around the parking lot. All of this before video games of course.

Off I went sailing down the driveway as Tom shouts "Watch out for the cars!" Not to worry, I'm a pro at this.

It was a close call but I made it past the cars without a scratch. And off I go into the street! Yipee!!! I didn't realize how much of a hill we have on our street and I started to gain speed pretty fast so I decided I better stop before I crash into something.

I put the bat and dolly away and head inside for a drink of water and a phone call or two. And by the time I came back...the garage was clean! So of course a celebratory cart wheel is in order...

Who would have thought cleaning the garage could be this much fun.


ChiTown Girl said...

I'm so glad you're never gonna grow up. You're the original "Toys-R-Us Kid!"

Me said...

Ok now I have that Toys r Us song in my head!!
By the way, your email this morning about the toy reall was HILARIOUS!!! Laughed out loud. Funny stuff my friend, funny stuff.

Najia said...

What a fitting description for our Laura. That's it exactly! You ARE that kid.

From now on one of your nicknames is going to be the TRU Kid!!! :-)