with this...
amazing dog...
How he knows/senses what others are feeling, I'll just never know. But he is more in tune with this universe than anyone else I've ever met. What would we do without these amazing creatures!?!?! (Just to be fair, I love kitty cats too, but there is something incredible about the way a dog just gets it. I'm certain other dog owners know what I'm talking about. Their loyalty and love is beyond comprehension.)
I love you Wrigley. You are my best friend.
So true! I've been babysitting before and the kid started crying and Sadie was right there to see what was wrong. She does that with me too sometimes.
Good God you Gorgeous!
I've been working on photos of Ruby lately and will have some up soon. She's at my feet right now, looking up at me with those big brown eyes. When we pulled in the driveway after being gone 3 weeks it was just the best show. Mom let her out to greet us and she was crazy with love. Us too! Thanks for the reminder of how special our dogs are. Have a great Sunday!
I totally agree about dogs. Especially your cutie patootie!
I left you some Bloggy Love over at my place. Come see...
He is full of love, for sure. What a sweetheart. It's a blessing that you have found each other!
Ruby is the same way... she is the most intuitive dog I've ever met.... knows EXACTLY when I need someone to nuzzle me... and those SWEET brown eyes. It's wonderful isn't it?
And, as a humorous post-script, you're wise not to have tried this with Chumley. We'd be seeing an entirely different set of photos. In fact, we might see a news crew in front of your home, saying something like "Cat goes berserk. Film at 11." :-)
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