I just planted a garden this afternoon. This is only my second attempt at this hobby so we'll see how this goes. My first attempt was in Minnesota and that didn't produce any produce. I'm sure the negative temps in October through May didn't help much either. But this time, Mother Nature's on our side.
We've got 4 tomato plants (Early Girl and Better Boy, those names crack me up!) 3 kinds of peppers (chili, banana and I forget the other kind) and then I sectioned off a little area for some herbs (sweet and Italian basil and lime mint.) I'm still working on the feng shui-ness of the garden but for now this will have to do. In time I'll pick up a few gnomes and add more veggies as we go along. We still have a lot more space to fill but I wanted to start slow with just a few trial veggies. We're also thinking about planting some grape vines along the back wall to cover up the bricks, however that will attract a Hitchcockesque amount of birds and since this wall butts up against Tom's putting green we have to consider the mess that could follow. So we'll see. Baby steps.
The herb garden, which must be pronounced Herb, like the name. The "h" is not silent in my garden.
Tom's busy working at the other end of the yard planting trees. Our neighbor came by from across the way and asked, "Will it ever end?" I think he meant that in a nice way. At least I hope he did.
Beautiful, little miss green thumb!
Thanks! I just hope I can keep it this way!
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